Spiritual Direction

Click HERE to book an appointment.

*see appointment fees below* *video call appointments unless otherwise arranged with Ty*

What is a Certified Spiritual Director?

Spiritual directors are often referred to as "soul friends". They are someone you invite into the journey you are taking with Jesus Christ. Spiritual direction meetings are usually 60 minutes in length, and consist of three people: the participant, the spiritual director, and the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual direction is helping another to listen and pay attention to what God is saying and doing in their life and to respond in faith. (B. Demarest)

Spiritual Formation is a journey (process) of being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others. (Mulholland)

What will we do?

1) Bring clarity to your life and walk with Jesus.

2) Learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit through spiritual practices and exercises that have been utilized by the Church for hundreds of years.

3) Determine areas of your walk with Jesus that you desire to grow in.

4) If there is anything causing a barrier between you and any area of your relationship with the Lord, we will find out what that may be with the kindness and help of the Holy Spirit. We will then have the Lord speak His truth into these areas.

Spiritual Director Bio

Hi! My name is Ty Smith. I am a passionate follower of Jesus who longs to see the one, true, triune God glorified. I have a passion for people to experience the love and mercy of Jesus, and to gently push and aid them in allowing the Lord to permeate all areas of their lives. One of my greatest desires is to see people grow closer to Jesus, hear his voice, be transformed by him, and have continued revelation of him. I love to see people living in the fullness of life that the Lord desires for them and becoming all He has in store for them!

I am a huge lover of sports, superheroes, and the beach!


Master of Divinity (MDiv) - Tyndale Seminary (Toronto, Canada)

Certified Spiritual Director (CSD, qualifying) - Tyndale Seminary (Toronto, Canada)

Bachelor of Science (Economics), Minor in Philosophy - Rollins College (Orlando, FL)


60-minute appointment: $50

3-session discount package (60 minutes each): $135

Group rates are available. Please email for info.

Payments for single appointments must be made via e-transfer, after the conclusion of the appointment to an email address that will be provided. If choosing the 3-session discount package, the full amount of $135 must be sent after the completion of our first appointment and BEFORE the remaining sessions of the package are completed.